Steve Allan

IECQ Business Manager

Chris Agius

IECQ Executive Secretary

Does the IECQ Carbon Footprint verification also apply for product or service outside of the Electrotechnical industry?

Yes, the IECQ Carbon Footprint of Product verification service is based on Standard ISO 14067, and the approved IECQ Certification Bodies can issue international IECQ Carbon Footprint of Product verification statements for any product or service. 

Why did the electronics industry ask IEC to establish the IECQ?

The need for establishing IECQ, the IEC Quality Assessment System, can be traced back to the recognition of the importance of testing, measurement, and quality assurance in various industries. Lord William Thomson Kelvin, a renowned physicist, emphasized the significance of measuring and expressing knowledge in numbers. The origins of IECQ can be linked to the defense industry's requirement for consistent and standardized electrical components.

What is the main market driver for an IECQ supplier qualification?

The main market driver for an IECQ supplier qualification is the increasing demand for high-quality, reliable, and compliant electrotechnical components in various industries. As technology advances and products become more complex, there is a growing need for electrotechnical components that meet stringent quality and safety standards.

Who do I contact to enquire about obtaining an IECQ verification statement for Carbon Footprint, to ISO 14067?

Organizations who are interested in obtaining an IECQ Verification Statement for the IECQ Carbon Footprint of Product, should contact an approved IECQ Certification Body (IECQ CB) that holds the approved service within their IECQ CB scope.  The Environmental Services Supporting the Circular Economy page on the IECQ website, contains

What does holding an IECQ Approved Component Certificate demonstrate?

It demonstrates to the international marketplace that through testing and other verification criteria, the certified organization and facilities comply with the requirements of the IECQ System and the relevant declared technical standards and specifications for their scope of activity.

It demonstrates that products and related materials and assemblies produced within the defined scope of activity covered by the IECQ AC certificate are recognized as IECQ certified.