Approved component certification

IECQ Approved component certification

The IECQ Approved component certification validates that a component meets established quality, safety, and reliability standards within the framework of the IECQ quality assessment system for electronic components. This certification assures manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users that the component has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation, ensuring its suitability for use in various applications.

In essence, IECQ Approved component certification serves as a seal of quality and reliability, instilling confidence in the industry and end-users alike. It streamlines the evaluation process, reduces costs, and ensures that components can be safely and effectively integrated into various products, contributing to overall operational efficiency and reliability.

Key aspects of IECQ Approved component certification include:


Quality assurance

The certification guarantees that the component has been manufactured and tested in accordance with industry-recognized quality standards. This reduces the risk of faulty or substandard components entering the supply chain.


IECQ approved components are subjected to comprehensive reliability testing to ensure their performance under various conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and stress. This ensures that the component will function reliably over its intended lifecycle.


Certification involves assessments to ensure that the component adheres to safety regulations and guidelines. 


The IECQ certification process establishes a consistent and standardized evaluation method, enabling manufacturers to compare the performance of different components easily.

Cost efficiency

IECQ Approved component certification eliminates the need for redundant testing by providing a recognized and trusted assessment. This reduces costs associated with multiple testing procedures.

Third-party validation

The certification process involves independent third-party certification bodies that impartially assess the component's conformity to the specified standards. This adds credibility to the certification and assures stakeholders of its authenticity.

Global recognition

IECQ approved components are recognized internationally, facilitating their acceptance and integration into products across different markets.

Declaration of conformity

Certified components are accompanied by a declaration of conformity, affirming that they meet the required standards or specifications and have successfully passed the assessment process.

Related documents

Get the briefing paper

IECQ Rules of Procedure

IECQ 03-3

IECQ Rules of Procedure - Part 3: IECQ Approved Component Products, Related Materials & Assemblies Scheme
IECQ 03-3 ed.2.3 (EN)

IECQ Rules of Procedure - Part 3: IECQ Approved Component Products, Related Materials & Assemblies Scheme

IECQ 03-1

IECQ Rules of Procedure - Part 1: General Requirements for all IECQ Schemes

Operational Document - IECQ On-Line Certificate of Conformity System Guidelines for creating IECQ On-Line Certificates of Conformity

IEC International Specification

IECQ OD 0302

Operational Document - Procedures for the development publication and maintenance of Specifications (Component/Process) used within the IECQ System
OD 0302 ed.1.1 (EN)

Operational Document - Procedures for the development publication and maintenance of Specifications (Component/Process) used within the IECQ System

IECQ international specifications

IECQ specifications along with an archived catalogue of IECQ/CECC specifications

Download a copy using the link below
IECQ Approved Component Products, Related Materials and Assemblies Scheme

Available for download: English


IECQ Quality in the electronics industry
IECQ Quality in the electronics industry

Available for download: English

How to get involved

Certification Bodies seeking to provide this IECQ service should submit an application to the IECQ Secretariat using the forms provided. 

CB applications forms

Standard Form MC-129-Q - IECQ CB Application Form

This form is to be completed by certification bodies seeking acceptance as an IECQ Certification Body (IECQ CB) and once completed is to be reviewed and endorsed by one of the IECQ Member Bodies (IECQ MBs) and then forwarded to the IECQ Secretariat as indicated on the form.

Standard Form MC-130-Q - IECQ CB Application for Extension of Scope

This application & capability declaration form is to be completed by accepted IECQ Certification Bodies (IECQ CBs) when seeking to extend their scope of IECQ acceptance to other IECQ Services and new or revised Standards / Specifications. The completed form is then forwarded to the IECQ Secretariat as indicated on the form.